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About the Data
The information showing market share, agent rankings, or other statistics about suburb or agent performance on this site are not intended as advice and must not be relied upon as such. They are only statements of opinion by Property Market Updates based on general information and data that we obtain from publicly available sources.
Using the publicly available data from our sources, we calculate the rankings of each individual agent or agency and graphs based on the total sales by each agent/agency during the relevant period stated in each report in our site. Agent/Agency rankings only cover those agents or agencies that are listed on this site.
Note that the information provided on this site does not include data which is not available from our sources of data at the time we obtain said data; information known only to the agent/agency; information available from public or private sources, that we do not subscribe to or access; or, information that has been known to us for less time than the relevant period over which the rankings or market share data is being measured.
As such, any statements of opinion provided on this site about Agent/Agency sales, rankings, or market share may not be reflective of their true statistics, rankings or market share. The information presented herein are to be taken as statements of opinion and used solely as a general guide. They are by no means intended to represent a factual and definitive view of Market/Agent/Agency performance.